Chapter 4 Extending your Models with Profiles

Dependency Matrices (Profile)

Dependency matrices allow you to review and create links between any kind of objects. You specify one metaclass (with, optionally, a stereotype) for the matrix rows, and the same or another metaclass for the columns. The cells are then calculated from a collection or link object.

For example, you could create dependency matrices that show links between:

Steps To create a dependency matrix:

  1. Right-click the Profile category and select Add Dependency Matrix. This adds the DependencyMatrix metaclass to the profile and creates a stereotype under it, in which you will define the matrix properties.
  2. Enter a name for the matrix (for example "Table Owners Matrix. This name will be visible in menus in the PowerDesigner interface.
  3. Click the Matrix Definition tab to specify the rows and columns of your matrix.
  4. Select an object type from the current model type to populate your matrix rows and an object type from the current or another model type to populate the columns.
  5. Specify how the rows and columns of your matrix will be associated by selecting one of the Matrix Cells radio buttons:

  6. Click OK to save your matrix and close the resource editor.

    You can now create instances of the matrix in your model as follows:


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