Chapter 3 Building Information Liquidity Diagrams

Creating a publication

You can create a publication in any of the following ways:

For more information about the different ways to create objects, see the "Getting Started with PowerDesigner" chapter in the General Features Guide .

When you create a publication, there must be a database connection incoming on its parent replication process before you can create a publication.

When you create a publication in the Publications tab of the replication process property sheet, you can:

The selection list contains data connections incoming to the replication process to which the publication belongs.

Steps To create a publication from the replication process property sheet:

  1. Open a replication process property sheet and click the Publications tab.
  2. Click the Add a Row tool, and then enter a name and code for the publication, and select a data connection from the Data Connection list.


    Click the Add Publications for Data Connections tool, select one or more data connections from the selection dialog box, and then click OK.

    In the following dialog box, My Publication was created in the list and Database_1 and Database_3 were added from a selection list.
  3. Click OK to close the property sheet and return to the model diagram.


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