Chapter 7 Generating for a Target

Understanding the Generation dialog box

The generation process allows you to generate for an extended model definition (XEM) in an ILM.

There are several ways to start the generation process:

Generate using the command... Allows you to...
Tools→Replication Server 12.6→Generate Scripts Generate for Replication Server 12.6 only
Tools→Replication Server 12.5→Generate Scripts Generate for Replication Server 12.5 only
Tools→MobiLink 9.0→Generate Scripts Generate for MobiLink 9.0 only
Tools→Extended Generation Generate at the same time for several XEM attached to your model

The Generation dialog box contains the following pages. Note that extended generations for a specific XEM, do not display the Targets page in the Generation dialog box:

Page Description
Targets Allows you to select a generation target (XEM), which can be MobiLink 9.0 or Replication Server 12.6 or 12.5
Selection Allows you to select objects to generate
Options Allows you to customize the generation
Tasks Allows you to use specific commands defined for the target


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