Chapter 2 Conceptual Data Model Basics

Defining packages in a CDM

A package is a piece of a model.

When working with a large model, you can split the model into smaller subdivisions to avoid manipulating the entire set of model objects. Packages can be useful to assign portions of a model, representing different tasks and subject areas, to different development teams.

Package hierarchy

You can create several packages at the same hierarchical level within a model or decompose a package into other packages and continue this process without limitation in decomposition depth. Each package is displayed with a default diagram window. At each level of decomposition you can create several diagrams.

For more information on packages, see the General Features Guide .

Composite view

You can expand a package to have a global view of the whole diagram content.

To do so, you have to right-click a package and select Composite View from the contextual menu. You must resize the composite package symbol to visualize its content:

To return to the package normal view, re-select the Composite View command in the contextual menu of the expanded package.

Note that if you double-click the composite view, you automatically open the sub-package diagram.

For more information on the composite view feature, see section Expanding the symbol of a composite object in chapter Model Graphics in the General Features Guide.


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