To set display preferences for entities, select Tools→Display Preferences, and select the Entity sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.
Display description
Data types
Data type for each entity attribute:
Replace by Domains
Domain for each entity attribute. You can only display domains when the Data type check box is selected.
Domain of an attribute in an entity. This display option interacts with the selection for Data types. As a result, there are four display options:
- Data types selected - Displays only the data type, if it exists:
- Domains selected - Displays only the domain, if it exists:
- Data types and Domain selected - Displays both data type and domain, if they exist
- Data types and Replace by domains selected - Displays either data type or domain, if they exist, and domain if both exist:
indicators are displayed next to each mandatory entity attribute:
Identifier indicators
indicators are displayed next to primary identifier attributes and <ai>
indicators next to non-primary identifier attributes:
Stereotype of the entity attributes