Chapter 7 Linking and Synchronizing Models in PowerDesigner

Linking objects with extended collections

The extended collection feature supports collections of objects from any type of model.

For more information on extended collections, see "Defining an extended collection in a profile" in the "Managing Profiles" chapter in the Advanced User Documentation .

For example, you can define an extended collection in the entity metaclass of a CDM that shows processes associated with entities. This adds a new tab to the entity property sheet where you can select processes from the process models open in the workspace. When you add processes to an entity, shortcuts of the processes are automatically created in the current CDM.

You can use the impact analysis feature from the Dependencies tab of the shortcuted processes to assess which object would be affected by a change of the current process.

For more information on impact analysis used with requirements and design objects, see the "Monitoring Links Using Impact Analysis" section.


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