Chapter 5 Using the PowerDesigner Interface

Defining environment variables

The following variables are created when you install PowerDesigner:

Variable Description Default
CMD Windows command interpreter or cmd.exe
HOME Variable defining the default home directory
J2EEVERIF Batch program for verifying if the deployment jar for an EJB is correct verifier.bat
JAR Command for archiving java files jar.exe
JAVA Command for running JAVA programs java.exe
JAVAC Command for compiling JAVA source files javac.exe
JAVADOC Command for defining JAVA doc comments javadoc.exe

You can edit these variables and add your own.

Steps To define an environment variable:

  1. Select Tools→General Options, and click the Variables category in the left-hand pane.
  2. Click in the row of an existing variable in order to edit its values, or click the Add a Row tool to create a new variable.
  3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Variables defined here are used in commands in the Generation\Commands sub-category of the JAVA object language, and can be used in the Generation Template Language.

The syntax for using these variables in GTL requires that you add $ before the variable name within the % signs, for example %$CMD%.

For more information about the GTL, see the "Generation Reference Guide: GTL" chapter in the Advanced User documentation .


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