Chapter 4 Building an Analysis Business Process Model

Selecting data for a process

You can add data to a process to identify the type of action the process does on the data to proceed to its execution. This can be done from the Data tab of the process property sheet. Thus, you define a data access for that process.

Each time you select a data from the list, it is added to the Data tab of the process property sheet and is no longer displayed in the list of available data.

Once the data is added to the process, its access mode is Read by default. You can directly modify this value in the Data tab.

Steps To select data for a process:

  1. Double-click a process symbol in the diagram to open its property sheet.
  2. Click the Data tab and click the Add Data tool to open a data selection.
  3. Select a model or package from the list located at the top part of the Selection dialog box.
  4. Select one or several data.
  5. Click OK to close the selection list.

    The selected data is added to the Data tab of the process property sheet and is no longer displayed in the available data selection list. By default, the access mode is Read.
  6. Click OK to close the property sheet.

Note   Adding a data to a process from the flow property sheet
You can migrate the data of a flow to its source or destination process, using the Migrate to destination process and Migrate to source process tools in the flow property sheet.
For more information, see section Migrating the data of a flow to a process.


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