Chapter 4 Building an Analysis Business Process Model

Creating a sub-data

You create a sub-data from the data property sheet.

Only structured data can contain sub-data that you define in a specific tab named Sub-Data. If you change the type of a structured data to another value, all its sub-data are automatically detached and the Sub-Data tab is no longer displayed in the property sheet.

You create a sub-data using any of the following ways:

Steps To create a sub-data:

  1. Open a structured data property sheet.
  2. Click the Sub-Data tab.
  3. Click the Add Objects tool to open a selection dialog box and select an existing data from the list then click OK.


    Select the Create Object tool to create data as a sub-data.

    The new data property sheet is displayed.

    Type properties as required.

    Click OK to close the property sheet.

    The new data is displayed as a sub-data in the Sub-Data tab.
  4. Click OK to close the property sheet.

Note   Parent data
You can click the Dependencies tab of a sub-data property sheet to display the data that owns it.


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