Chapter 19 Working with Sybase Unwired Orchestrator

Complex and iteration (loop) activities

The Complex Activity is a composite of atomic activities and implies drill-down capabilities. Complex activities can exit normally, after a Timeout event, after a Fault event or after a Compensate event.

Unwired Orchestrator defines the following exits (with custom symbols) on the Complex Activity:

The Complex Activity can define the following types of event handlers that you create by assigning the corresponding type of event to a flow. The type of the flow is automatically determined by the type of the event (stereotype):

Handler Created by
Fault handler: to manage or catch the Fault event that happened during the execution of the Complex Activity (created by a Fault activity) Event with <<Fault>> stereotype + Business Error flow type
Compensation handler: to manage or catch the Compensation event that happened during the execution of the Complex Activity (created by a Compensate activity) Event with <<Compensation>> stereotype + Compensation flow type
Timeout handler: to manage the timeout expiration Event with <<Timeout>> stereotype + Timeout flow type

Iteration is a cycle involving the repetitive execution of one or more activities until a condition is met. Unwired Orchestrator defines iteration as a Complex Activity loop object.

Since a Loop is a Complex Activity, it can be ended:


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