Chapter 4 Building an Analysis Business Process Model

Working with sub-process diagrams

Opening a sub-process diagram

When you open the sub-diagram of a decomposed process, the diagram that contains the decomposed process symbol is replaced with the default sub-process diagram that displays the content of the decomposed process, but stays however open in the background.

You can open a decomposed process sub-diagram using the following methods:

You can move from a sub-process diagram to another diagram in any of the following ways:

Note   Setting a diagram as default diagram
You can set a diagram to be the model's default diagram by selecting the Default Diagram check box in its property sheet, or by selecting the diagram in the Default Diagram list in the model property sheet.

Adding objects to a sub-process diagram

You can add objects to a sub-process diagram in the same way as you add them to a process diagram. Any processes that you add to a sub-process diagram, will be a part of its parent decomposed process and will be listed under the decomposed process in the Browser.

Note   Find in Browser
You can locate any object or any diagram in the Browser tree view from the current diagram window. To do so, right-click the object symbol, or the diagram background and select Edit→Find in Browser.

Composite view

You can wish to only display a global view of the content of the decomposed process within its symbol in the diagram. To do so, right-click the decomposed process, and select Composite View. The decomposed process symbol is expanded in order to display the whole diagram content. Re-select the Composite View command to come back to the previous view.

Note that if you double click the composite view, you automatically open the sub-process diagram.

For more information about the composite view feature, see the "Displaying the sub-diagram of a decomposed object within its symbol" in the "Model Graphics" chapter in the General Features Guide .


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