Chapter 19 Working with Sybase Unwired Orchestrator

Service interaction

Services represent the interaction with internal and external applications, such as a database or an SAP system.

A service may contain multiple operations. Each operation has a schema in the service that defines the operation inputs and outputs.

A service interaction represents a specific invocation of a service operation.


You design these service interactions using the PowerDesigner process object. The Implementation Type must be set to "Execute Operation" and the process must be implemented by an operation defined under a service provider within the same model.

You design the operations supported by Orchestrator as follows:

Unwired Orchestrator concept

PowerDesigner concept

Notification Process with <<Notification>> stereotype Invoking such operation means that a business process receives a message from a service
One-Way Process with <<OneWay>> stereotype Invoking such operation means that a business process sends a message to a service
Request/Reply Process with <<RequestReply>> stereotype Invoking such operation means that a business process sends a message to a service then receives a message from a service
Database, Web service or application Process with <<Undefined Service>> stereotype Invoking such operation means that a business process uses a not yet defined service


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