Chapter 18 Working with Sybase WorkSpace Business Process

Orchestrator Business process

An Orchestrator business process is a particular service implemented by the orchestration of other services including several activities linked by a graph. This graph defines the choreography of the Process. The Orchestrator business process may have fault, compensation, and timeout handlers that are not linked to the main choreography.

You design each Orchestrator business process with a business process model in PowerDesigner.

Sybase WorkSpace Business Process concept
PowerDesigner concept
Business process Business Process Model
Business process diagram BPM default diagram

To design an Orchestrator business process with event handlers you have to:

Extended attribute

The following extended attributes are used to generate properties of Orchestrator business process.

Name Internal code Description
Ad hoc process AdHoc AdHoc property of the Orchestrator business process.
Language Language Language of the process.
[none] GUID Global Unique Identifier of the model.
[none] ModelGUID Identifier of the model.
[none] ModelName Name of the model.
[none] ProcessGUID Defines the ID of the Orchestrator business process.


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