Chapter 17 Working with WS-BPEL 2.0

Reply and reply fault activities

A reply activity defines how the business process sends a message in reply to a message that was received by an inbound message activity (IMA), which can be <receive>, <onMessage>, or <onEvent>. The reply activity supports the concept of implicit assignments using the element <toParts>.

The reply activity can take two potential forms:


<reply name="ReplyToCustomer" partnerLink="Customer" portType="PurchaseOrderPT" operation="ReceiveOrder">
     <correlation set="OrderKey" initiate="no"/>
      <toPart part="CustID" fromVariable="vOrderProcessRequest" />


You design a reply activity in any of the following ways:

You design a reply with fault activity in the same way as you design a reply activity. However, the action type of the process must be "reply fault" and the Sent message designs the fault message defined under the WSDL operation.

Note   Change to Reply Fault
You can right-click an <<empty>> process and select the Change to Reply Fault command.

Extended attributes

The following extended attribute apply to the reply activity and the reply fault activity and is available from their property sheet:

Name Internal code Description
Initiate correlation InitiateCorrelation When a correlation is used by the reply activity the initiate attribute can be yes, no or join
Join Condition joinCondition Join condition
Suppress Join Failure suppressJoinFailure Avoids propagation of Join Failure exceptions
MultipleCorrelation Defines BPEL Invoke, Receive or Reply activities using several correlations.
expressionLanguage Specifies the expression language used in expressions


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