Chapter 8 Building an Executable BPM: Managing Data and Choreography

Event Handlers (Executable BPM)

When executing a process, errors might occur, either in the operations being invoked or in the process itself. You can catch such errors and handle them using event handlers.

An event handler uses outgoing flows to manage the handling of process events. These flows represent the event that is triggered and the target activity specifies the handling of the event. In case of an exceptional message that can be received at any time (usually a cancellation message), an Exception stereotype is used in the flow property sheet to indicate that the outgoing flow is the reception of an exceptional message. The destination process must then receive the message.

The event handler symbol is positioned on the flow and can have the following symbols:

Event Graphical symbol
Undefined or unknown

The event handler is drawn as the source of the arrow representing the flow. If you move the flow attach points, the event handler symbol moves with the process:


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