Chapter 8 Building an Executable BPM: Managing Data and Choreography

Execute operation activity

An Execute operation activity is an activity that is implemented by an operation. It allows you to design the reception or the emission of messages.

These messages can represent:

When you select Execute operation in the Type list, the following properties display:

For more information about variables and correlation keys, see respectively sections Variables (Executable BPM) and Correlation Keys (Executable BPM).

Action types

You can select one of the following action types:

Action type Description
Invoke operation To initiate a message sent to a partner, the partner can respond or not
Receive Request To receive a message from a partner
Receive Request and Reply To receive a message from a partner and send a message in response)
Reply To send a message to a partner in response to a received message
Reply Fault To send a fault message to a partner in response to a received message

Note   Dragging and dropping an operation
If you drag and drop an operation from the Browser to the diagram, you automatically create an activity that sends messages implemented by this operation.

Received message

The following table summarizes the relationships between the input/output messages of the operation and the received messages of the process:


Receive request
Receive request and reply
One-Way Input is received Not available
Request-Response Input is received
Output is ignored
Input is received
Output is sent
Notification Output is received Not available
Solicit-Response Input is ignored
Output is received
Input is sent
Output is received

Sent message

The following table summarizes the relationships between the input/output messages of the operation and the sent messages of the process:

Operation\Process Reply Reply fault Invoke operation
One-Way Not available Not available Input is sent
Request-Response Input is ignored
Output is sent
Input is ignored
Output is ignored
Fault is sent
Input is sent
Output is received
Notification Not available Not available Output is sent
Solicit-Response Input is sent
Output is ignored
Input is ignored
Output is ignored
Fault is sent
Input is received
Output is sent

Note   Decomposing an Implemented By process
An Implemented By process cannot be composite. However, in BPEL languages, a receive activity associated with a request-response operation must specify the actions to perform between the reception of the input message and the emission of the response message. To do so, the activity that receives messages must be decomposed into a sub-graph to specify intermediate activities. If one of these conditions changes, the process becomes atomic again, loosing all its sub-objects. For Sybase Integration Orchestrator, the action type is linked to the operation type. The implementation of a Notification operation corresponds to the reception of a message. The implementation of a One-Way operation corresponds to the emission of a message.


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