Chapter 8 Building an Executable BPM: Managing Data and Choreography

Understanding Top-Level Diagram and Top-Level Process

Top level-diagram

When you create an executable BPM, you must always have a top-level diagram defined under a model or a package. It represents the subject of the process model, and sets the model scope and orientation.

The top-level diagram should only contain:

For more information about organization units and role associations, see sections Defining organization units and Defining role associations in chapter Defining an Analysis BPM.

All other tools are grayed out in the Palette, except for packages.

In an executable BPM, organization units are always displayed using the icon representation to represent the identification of a partner.

The swimlane representation can only be used in diagrams contained in composite processes to ease the definition of invoking or invoked partners for processes associated with operations.

For more information about how to associate a process with an operation, see section Defining processes in an executable BPM in chapter Building an executable BPM: Managing Data and Orchestration.

Top-level process

The top-level process is defined in a top-level diagram and can be a global service that does not belong to a graph but describes its behavior in a sub-graph (a stand alone composite process defined at the package level) using atomic activities and orchestration elements. Each top-level process must be related to at least one role association.

For more information about atomic activities and orchestration elements, see section Defining processes in an executable BPM in chapter Building an executable BPM: Managing Data and Orchestration see section.


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