Chapter 6 Building an Executable BPM: Working with Service Description Objects

Message Parts (Executable BPM)

A message part represents a portion of the WSDL (Web Services Description Language) message.

The global definition of the message part in an executable BPM is mainly the same as in other BPM views (Analysis and Collaborative). However some behaviors are added or modified, in order to fully support the executable BPM. Only those specific behaviors are described in the following sections.

For more information about the global definition of the message part, see section Defining message parts in chapter Building an Analysis Business Process Model.

Data transformation

In BPEL4WS models, the message part is used in the Transformation tab of the data transformation property sheet for PropertyAlias definition.

For more information about data transformations, see section Defining data transformations in chapter Building an Executable BPM: Managing Data and Choreography.

Dependencies tab of the message part

The Dependencies tab of the message part property sheet allows you to visualize in distinct tabs the following relations the message part has with data transformations:

Tab Description
Assignments Displays all assignments of the message part by data transformations
Simple Data Transformations Displays all uses of the message part as input of data transformations

For more information about data transformations, see section Defining data transformations in chapter Building an Executable BPM: Managing Data and Choreography.


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