Chapter 6 Building an Executable BPM: Working with Service Description Objects

Implementing a service provider using an OOM component

You implement a service provider from its property sheet using an OOM component that can be a Web service, an EJB, or any other UML component.

Steps To implement a service provider using an OOM component:

  1. From the service provider property sheet, click the Select Implementation Object tool, beside the Implementation box to display the Select an Object dialog box.

    It allows you to select a component from the OOM open in the workspace.
  2. Expand the folders in the tree view to select a component and click OK.

    The component name followed by (Shortcut) is displayed in the Implementation box of the service provider property sheet. You can double-click the Properties tool beside the Implementation box to open the shortcut property sheet and access the target object.

Note   Deleting the link with a component from the service provider property sheet
You can click the Remove Implementation Object tool beside the Implementation box to break the link between the service provider and the component.


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