Chapter 5 Building a Collaborative Business Process Model

Designing a partner's identification

In ebXML CPA, a trading partner is designated as a party to the agreement, and identified with a party Id. The generated CPA template always includes two parties. Each party can play more than one role defined by the BPSS document on the Binary Collaborations. To define the characteristics of the two parties and some shared parameters (CPA Id, Start and End time, Status, conversation constraints), you can use the following extended attributes available from the model property sheet:

Name Internal code Description
Identifier PartyInfo1ID, PartyInfo2ID Identifier of the party
Name PartyInfo1Name, PartyInfo2Name Name of the party
Reference to more details PartyRef1, PartyRef2 Reference to more detailed information on the party
Default delivery channel PartyInfo1defaultMshChannelId, PartyInfo2defaultMshChannelId Default Delivery channel used by the party to exchange the messages
Default message packaging PartyInfo1defaultMshPackageId, PartyInfo2defaultMshPackageId Default message Packaging used by the party
CPA ID cpaid An ID of the CPA document
BPSS document reference hrefBPSS Reference to the BPSS document
Start time, End time Start, End The Start and End time define how long the agreement is valid
Status Status Defines the status of agreement. By default it is proposed. It can be agreed or signed
Invocation limit, Concurrent conversations ConversationConstraints_invocationLimit, ConversationConstraints_concurrentConversations Place limits on the number of conversations under the CPA


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