Chapter 5 Building a Collaborative Business Process Model

Designing a Business Transaction

You design a Business Transaction using a process with a <<BusinessTransaction>> stereotype.

The following extended attributes (accessible from the Extended Attributes tab of the process property sheet) apply to the Business Transaction process. The table shows what attributes are available for ebXML BPSS 1.01 or for ebXML BPSS 1.04 process language:


Internal code

BPSS 1.01 BPSS 1.04
Requires guaranteed delivery IsGuaranteedDeliveryRequired

(true | false) "false"
Both partners must agree to use a transport that guarantees delivery Yes Yes
Pre conditions preConditions A description of a state external to this transaction that is required before this transaction can start Yes No
Post conditions postConditions A description of a state that does not exist before the execution of this transaction but will exist as a result of the execution of this transaction Yes No
Begins when beginsWhen A description of an event external to the collaboration/transaction that normally causes this collaboration/transaction to start Yes No
Ends when endsWhen A description of an event external to this collaboration/transaction that normally causes this collaboration/transaction to end Yes No
Requires secure transport IsSecureTransportRequired Both partners must agree to exchange business information using a secure Delivery Channel. The following security controls ensure that business document content is protected against unauthorized disclosure or modification and that business services are protected against unauthorized access. This is a point-to-point security requirement. Note that this requirement does not protect business information once it is off the network and inside an enterprise No Yes
Pattern Pattern The optional name of the pattern that this business transaction is based on No Yes

Requesting and Responding Business Activities

The Business Transaction process is a composite process with a sub-diagram that designs the Business Signal exchanges between partners. This sub-diagram contains one Responding Business Activity (a process with <<RespondingBusinessActivity>> stereotype) and one Requesting Business Activity (a process with <<RequestingBusinessActivity>> stereotype):

The Signals are designed with flows between Requesting and Responding activities. The <<ReceiptAck>> and <<AcceptanceAck>> flow stereotypes allow the design of a Receipt Acknowledgment Signal and Acceptance Acknowledgment Signal. The Request Document and Response Document are also designed with flows with message formats that design the document format.

The following extended attributes (accessible from the Extended Attributes tab of the process property sheet) apply to both the Requesting and Responding Business Activity processes:

Name Internal code Description
Requires authorization IsAuthorizationRequired

(true | false) "false"
If a partner role needs authorization to request a business action or to respond to a business action, then the sending partner role must sign the business document exchanged and the receiving partner role must validate this business control and approve the authorizer. A responding partner must signal an authorization exception if the sending partner role is not authorized to perform the business activity. A sending partner must send notification of failed authorization if a responding partner is not authorized to perform the responding business activity
Requires intelligible check IsIntelligibleCheckRequired

(true | false) "false"
Receiving partner role must check that a requesting document is not garbled (unreadable, unintelligible) before sending acknowledgement of receipt
Requires non repudiation

(true | false) "false"

(true | false) "false"
If non-repudiation of origin and content is required, then the business activity must store the business document in its original form for the duration mutually agreed to in a trading partner agreement. A responding partner must signal a business control exception if the sending partner role has not properly delivered their business document. A requesting partner must send notification of failed business control if a responding partner has not properly delivered their business document
Requires non repudiation receipt isNonRepudiationReceiptRequired

(true | false) "false"
Both partners agree to mutually verify the receipt of a requesting business document and that the receipt must be non-reputable. A receiving partner must send notification of failed business control (possibly revoking a contractual offer) if a responding partner has not properly delivered its business document. Non-repudiation of receipt provides the following audit controls:
Verify responding role identity (authenticate) – Verify the identity of the responding role (individual or organization) that received the requesting business document
Verify content integrity – Verify the integrity of the original content of the business document request
Time to acknowledge acceptance TimeToAcknowledgeAcceptance (specific to the Requesting Activity) The time a receiving role has to acknowledge business acceptance of a business document
Time to acknowledge receipt TimeToAcknowledgeReceipt The time a receiving role has to acknowledge receipt of a business document
Number of retries retryCount Business level retries. For requesting business activity and available only for BPSS 1.04

A specific ebXML tool Palette allows you to directly create a Business Transaction composite process in the current diagram and initialize the composite process with the Requesting and Responding Activities. The following table summarizes the distinct flows that exist between the Requesting and the Responding Activity:

Request Document Response Document Receipt on Response Acceptance on Response Receipt on Request
Without response Yes No No No No
Default Yes Yes No No No
With receipt on response Yes Yes Yes No No
With receipt and acceptance on response Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Full Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Document Envelope

A Document Envelope conveys business information between the two roles in a Business Transaction. One Document Envelope conveys the request from the requesting role to the responding role, and another Document Envelope conveys the response (if any) from the responding role back to the requesting role. This concept is designed with a flow and a message format in the Business Process Model.

The following extended attributes (accessible from the Extended Attributes tab of the message format property sheet) apply to the Document Envelope:

Name Internal code Description
DocTypeDocumentation DocTypeDocumentation Documentation of DocumentType
Is positive response IsPositiveResponse If TRUE the Document Envelope is intended as a positive response to the request. This parameter is only relevant on the response envelope
Is authenticated isAuthenticated

(true | false) "false"
There is a digital certificate associated with the document entity. This provides proof of the signatory identity
Is confidential isConfidential

(true | false) "false"
The information entity is encrypted so that unauthorized parties cannot view the information
Is tamper proof isTamperProof

(true | false) "false"
The information entity has an encrypted message digest that can be used to check if the message has been tampered with. This requires a digital signature (sender's digital certificate and encrypted message digest) associated with the document entity


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