Chapter 4 Building an Analysis Business Process Model

Decisions (BPM)

A decision specifies which alternate path has to be taken when several flow paths are possible. It can have one or more incoming flows and one or more outgoing flows, each labeled with a distinct guard condition. The global process of a decision is based on some defined editors that direct the control flow towards the valid flow by dynamically evaluating guard conditions.Its symbol is a diamond shape as shown below:

A guard condition is a condition that must be satisfied for an associated flow to execute some action. Across all these flows, guard conditions should not overlap to avoid ambiguity but they should cover all possibilities to avoid global process freeze.

Note   Decision creation in a collaborative or executable BPM
You cannot create a decision in the top-level diagram of a collaborative or executable BPM. For these types of models, decisions can only be created under a decomposed process.

In executable BPM, all conditions on the outgoing flows of the decision must be of the same type (Exception or Event).

For more information about decisions in executable BPM, see section Defining conditional branching in chapter Building an Executable BPM: Managing Data and Choreography.


A decision allows you to create complex flows like:


Note   Handling symbols in the diagram
It is not possible to attach two flows of opposite directions to the same corner on a decision symbol.


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