Chapter 4 Building an Analysis Business Process Model

Resource flow property sheet Condition tab

When there are several flows, each condition is evaluated in order to choose the one the resource flow will transit on. The Condition tab defines the nature of the condition attached to a resource flow.

The Condition tab contains the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Alias Summarizes the condition attached to a resource flow. It is recommended to write an alias (short editor) when using a long condition in order to display the alias instead of the condition in the diagram
Editor Details the condition. For example, you can write information on the condition to execute, as well as open, insert and save any text files containing valuable information

Whatever the direction of the resource flow, the condition is displayed near the process symbol as shown below:

Note   Opening the Condition tab
You can open the Condition tab by right-clicking the resource flow symbol in the diagram, and selecting Condition.


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