Chapter 2 Installing PowerDesigner
Installing a license server
If a Flexlm license server (SYSAM) is already installed, PowerDesigner license server will be installed on the same server, otherwise a PowerDesigner license server is installed.
A Flexlm license server installed with PowerDesigner version 11 does not have the same service name as a server for version 12.x and cannot read version 12.x license files. If you no longer use the version 11 license server, we recommend that you remove it.
You need a license file to install the license server.
For more information about how to get a license file from SPDC, see the "Installing a Standalone - Local License of PowerDesigner" section.
For more information about SySAM, you can look at the following Web address http://sybooks.sybase.com/nav/detail.do?docset=833
Diagnostic programs
Lmutil.exe and lmtools.exe located in the \\SYSAM-2_0\Bin folder are programs provided to help you diagnose problems you may encounter when installing the Flexlm license server.
For example, the following command can be used to find the user(s) who have currently borrowed the license(s):
lmutil lmstat -a -c <port>@<host> where <port> and <host> are license server information.
For more information about Flexlm and additional examples of these programs, you can look at the following Web address http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.help.doc.ase_15.0.flexnet/html/title.htm
To install a license server:
- Click the Install Licenses Server button.
The Sybase Software Asset Management for PowerDesigner wizard is displayed.
- Click Next.
The license agreement page is displayed.
- Read the License Agreement and click the I Agree radio button to accept the terms of the agreement. If you click I Do Not Agree, you cannot proceed with the Setup program and you have to cancel install.
- Click Next.
The license file definition page is displayed.
- Click the Load button if you already have a license file and browse to the folder where your license file is located. The content of the license file is automatically displayed in the License key box.
Download a license file from SPDC and copy the file content into the License Key box.
- Click Next.
The destination folder page is displayed if no other Flexlm license server (SYSAM) is detected. If another Flexlm license server exists on the current machine, the destination folder page is skipped.
- Click Next to accept the suggested destination folder.
Click Browse, select a different destination folder, and click Next.
The start copying files page is displayed.
- Click Next to accept the current settings and start copying files.
The copy starts. A progress box is displayed and Setup copies files to the destination directory.
The InstallShield Wizard Complete page is displayed.
- If no other Flexlm server existed on the current machine you can choose to start the license server as a service.
- If the PowerDesigner license server was installed on an existing license server, you can choose to reread licenses in order to refresh the server license file.
- Click Finish.
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