Chapter 3 Building Structural Diagrams

Creating an identifier

You can create an identifier in any of the following ways:

For general information about creating objects, see the chapter "Getting Started with PowerDesigner" in the General Features Guide .

Steps To create a primary identifier when you create the class attributes:

  1. Double-click a class in the diagram to display its property sheet, and then click the Attributes tab.
  2. Double-click an attribute in the list to display its property sheet, and then click the Detail tab.
  3. Select the Primary Identifier check box and click OK to return to the Attributes tab of the class property sheet.
  4. Click the Identifiers tab to view the new identifier in the list.
  5. Click OK.

Steps To define the primary identifier from the list of identifiers:

  1. Select Model→Identifiers to display the list of identifiers.
  2. Double-click an identifier in the list to display its property sheet.
  3. Select the Primary Identifier check box.
  4. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.


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