Chapter 2 Getting Started with an Object-Oriented Model

OOM properties

The Model property sheet displays the definition of the current model.

An OOM has the following model properties:

Property Description
Name Name for the model
Code Code for the model. This code is used in scripts
Comment Descriptive label for the model
Filename Location of the model file. This box is empty if the model has never been saved
Author Author of the model. You can insert a name, a space, or nothing.

If you insert a space, the Author field in the title box remains empty.

If you intentionally leave the box empty, the Author field in the title box displays the user name from the Version Info tab of the model property sheet
Version Version of the model. You can use this box to display the repository version or a user defined version of the model. This parameter is defined in the display preferences of the Title node
Object language Current object language for the model
Default diagram Diagram displayed by default when opening the model


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