Chapter 8 Working with Web Services

Generating AXIS EJB Web services

If the Web service implementation type is AXIS EJB, PowerDesigner uses a Stateless Session Bean for the implementation, an application server for EJB deployment and Apache Axis for exposing the EJB as a Web service.

To customize the generation of the Axis deployment descriptor, you can change several Axis specific extended attributes in the Web service component properties.

A deploy.wsdd and an undeploy.wsdd are generated from the model or the package that contains Web service components. A single deploy.wsdd and undeploy.wsdd files are generated for all Web service components of the model or package.

To expose a Stateless Session Bean as Web service using Axis, you need to:

Steps To generate Apache Axis EJB Web Service components:

  1. Select Language→Generate Java Code.
  2. Select a directory where you want to generate the code.
  3. In the options tab, you can modify generation options and deployment options.
  4. In the Tasks tab, you can select the commands in the following order: Package J2EE application in an EAR file, Deploy J2EE application, Expose EJB as Web Services.


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