Chapter 8 Working with Web Services
Generating Web services for Java
You can generate client side or server side implementation classes, interfaces, deployment descriptor, JAR, WAR, or EAR from the Generate object language command in the Language menu.
Web services server side code generation consists in generating the following items:
- Generate Web service implementation classes and interfaces (Java class, Stateless Session Bean, Servlet, .etc...)
- Generate Web services deployment descriptor for Java using the Web Service for J2EE (JSR109) specification. The deployment descriptor is an XML file that must be in every WAR archive, it is named WEB.xml by convention and contains information needed for deploying a Web service
For more information on the deployment descriptor, see the glossary at the end of this manual.
- Generate interface WSDL and implementation WSDL files (WSDL files can be generated separately because they can be used for UDDI or client applications)
In general, once a Web service is deployed, the server is capable of generating an implementation WSDL.
Web services client side code generation consists in generating proxy classes.
PowerDesigner supports several Web service implementation types in Java:
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