Chapter 3 Building Structural Diagrams

Creating Java BeanInfo classes

If you are using the Java object language, you can create Java BeanInfo classes from any class with a type of "JavaBean".

A JavaBean is a reusable software component written in Java that can be manipulated visually in a builder tool. A Java BeanInfo class is used as a standard view of a Bean. Each JavaBean can implement a BeanInfo class. Bean implementors may want to provide explicit information about the methods, properties, and events of a Bean by providing a Java BeanInfo class.

The BeanInfo class is generated with an attribute, and the following operations:

You can view the complete code by clicking the Preview tab in the BeanInfo class property sheet.

Attribute created

The attribute has the following code:

private static final Class <ClassCode>Class = <ClassCode>.class;

Operations created

The constructor has the following code:


The getPropertyDescriptors() operation has the following code:

public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors ()
 // Declare the property array
 PropertyDescriptor properties[] = null;

 // Set properties
    // Create the array
    properties = new PropertyDescriptor[<nbProperties>];
    // Set property 1
    properties[0] = new PropertyDescriptor("<propertyCode1>" ,<ClassCode>Class;
    // Set property 2
    properties[1] = new PropertyDescriptor("<propertyCode2>" ,<ClassCode>Class;

    // Handle errors
 return properties;

The getMethodDescriptors() operation has the following code:

public MethodDescriptor[] getMethodDescriptors ()
 // Declare the method array
 MethodDescriptor methods[] = null;
 ParameterDescriptor parameters[] = null;
 // Set methods
    // Create the array
    methods = new MethodDescriptor[<nbMethods>];
    // Set method 1
    parameters = new ParameterDescriptor[<nbParameters1>];
    parameters[0] = new ParameterDescriptor();
    methods[0] = new MethodDescriptor("<methodCode1>", parameters);
    // Set method 2
    methods[1] = new MethodDescriptor("<methodCode2>");

    // Handle errors
 return methods;

When you create a Java BeanInfo class, a dependency link is automatically created between both classes and the stereotype of the Java BeanInfo class is set to <<BeanInfo>>.

Creating a Java BeanInfo class from the Language menu

Steps To create a Java BeanInfo class from the Language menu:

  1. Select Language→Create BeanInfo Classes to display the Create BeanInfo Classes selection window. This window contains a list of all the classes of type JavaBean in the model.
  2. Select the classes for which you want to generate Java BeanInfo classes and click OK.

    A BeanInfo class is created in the model for each selected class.

Creating a Java BeanInfo class from the class contextual menu

Steps To create a Java BeanInfo class from the class contextual menu:

  1. Right-click a class in the diagram, and select Create BeanInfo Class from the contextual menu.


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