Chapter 7 Customizing the OOM Environment

Attribute display preferences

To set display preferences for attributes, select Tools→Display Preferences, and select the Attribute sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Preference Description
Visibility Specifies how attributes will be displayed. You can choose between:

  • Use icons - Display as an icon
  • Use markers - Display as a marker: - (private), # (protected), + (public), or * (package)
  • Use keywords - Display as a word: private, protected, public, or package
Stereotype Displays the stereotype of the attribute
Data type
  • Displays the data type of the attribute
Domain Displays the domain attached to the attribute
Initial value Displays the initial value of the attribute upon instantiation of the class

The display options for Data type and Domain interact as follows:

Selected check box Result
Data type
Data type and



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