Chapter 3 Building Structural Diagrams

Composite structure diagram objects

You can create the following types of objects in a composite structure diagram:

Object Tool Symbol Description

Set of objects sharing the same attributes, operations, methods, and relationships. See "Classes (OOM)".

Descriptor for the externally visible operations of a class, object, or other entity without specification of internal structure. See "Interfaces (OOM)".

Interaction point between a classifier and its environment. See "Ports (OOM)".

Classifier instance playing a particular role within the context of another classifier. See "Parts (OOM)".

Link between classes showing that the sub-class shares the structure or behavior defined in one or more superclasses. See "Generalizations (OOM)".
Require Link

Connects classifiers to interfaces. See "Require Links (OOM)".
Assembly Connector

Connects parts to each other. See "Assembly Connectors (OOM)".
Delegation Connector

Connects parts to ports on the outside of classifiers. See "Delegation Connectors (OOM)".

Structural relationship between objects of different classes. See "Associations (OOM)".

A form of association that specifies a part-whole relationship between a class and an aggregate class (example: a car has an engine and wheels). See "Associations (OOM)".

A form of aggregation but with strong ownership and coincident lifetime of parts by the whole; the parts live and die with the whole (example: an invoice and its invoice line). See "Associations (OOM)".

Relationship between two modeling elements, in which a change to one element will affect the other element. See "Dependencies (OOM)".

Semantic relationship between classifiers, in which one classifier specifies a contract that another classifier guarantees to carry out. See "Realizations (OOM)".
Attribute N/A N/A Named property of a class. See "Associations (OOM)".
Operation N/A N/A Service that can be requested from a class. See "Operations (OOM)".


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