Chapter 5 Building Dynamic Diagrams

Sequence diagram objects

You can create the following objects in a sequence diagram:

Object Tool Symbol Description

An external person, process or something interacting with a system, sub-system or class. See the "Actors" section in the "Building Use Case Diagrams" chapter.

Instance of a class. See the "Objects" section in the "Building Structural Diagrams" chapter.

Execution of a procedure, including the time it waits for nested procedures to execute. See "Activations".
Interaction Reference

Reference to another sequence diagram. See "Interaction References".
Interaction Fragment

Collection of associated messages. See "Interaction Fragments".

Communication that conveys information with the expectation that action will ensue. See "Messages".
Self Message

Recursive message: the sender and the receiver are the same object. See "Messages".
Procedure Call Message

Procedure call message with a default activation. See "Messages".
Self Call Message

Procedure call recursive message with a default activation. See "Messages".
Return Message

Specifies the end of a procedure. Generally associated with a Procedure Call, the Return message may be omitted as it is implicit at the end of an activation. See "Messages".
Self Return Message

Recursive message with a Return control flow type. See "Messages".


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