Chapter 3 Building Structural Diagrams

Class diagram objects

You can create the following objects in a class diagram:

Object Tool Symbol Description

Set of objects sharing the same attributes, operations, methods, and relationships. See "Classes (OOM)".

Descriptor for the externally visible operations of a class, object, or other entity without specification of internal structure. See "Interfaces (OOM)".

Interaction point between a classifier and its environment. See "Ports (OOM)".

Link between classes showing that the sub-class shares the structure or behavior defined in one or more superclasses. See "Generalizations (OOM)".
Require Link

Connects a class, component, or port to an interface. See "Require Links (OOM)".

Structural relationship between objects of different classes. See "Associations (OOM)".

A form of association that specifies a part-whole relationship between a class and an aggregate class (example: a car has an engine and wheels). See "Associations (OOM)".

A form of aggregation but with strong ownership and coincident lifetime of parts by the whole; the parts live and die with the whole (example: an invoice and its invoice line). See "Associations (OOM)".

Relationship between two modeling elements, in which a change to one element will affect the other element. See "Dependencies (OOM)".

Semantic relationship between classifiers, in which one classifier specifies a contract that another classifier guarantees to carry out. See "Realizations (OOM)".
Inner link

Exists when a class is declared within another class or interface. See "Composite and inner classifiers".
Attribute N/A N/A Named property of a class. See "Associations (OOM)".
Operation N/A N/A Service that can be requested from a class. See "Operations (OOM)".


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