Chapter 3 Building Structural Diagrams

Defining additional check parameters for objects in an OOM

You can use the following variables as check parameters for domains and attributes:

Variable Description
%MINMAX% Minimum and maximum values defined in Values groupbox on Standard Checks tab
%LISTVAL% Customized values defined in List Values groupbox on Standard Checks tab
%RULES% Validation rule expression defined on Expression tab of the Rules property sheet

You define additional check parameters for data constraints where standard check parameters are not sufficient.

Steps To define additional check parameters:

  1. Select Model→Domains to open the List of Domains.
  2. Click a domain from the list, and then click the Properties tool to display its property sheet.
  3. Click the Additional Checks tab, and type your required expressions, using the variables %MINMAX%, %LISTVAL%, and %RULES%.
  4. Click OK.


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