Chapter 2 Getting Started with an Object-Oriented Model

OOM Package properties

Packages have properties displayed on property sheets. All packages share the following common properties:

Property Description
Name Name that clearly identifies the package
Code Codes are references for packages
Comment Optional label that describes a package and provides additional information
Stereotype Sub-classification derived from an existing package. The following stereotypes are available by default:

  • <<archive>> Jar or War archive (Java only)
  • <<assembly>> – Specifies that a package produces a portable executable (PE), (C# and VB.NET only)
  • <<CORBAModule>> – UML Package identified as IDL module (IDL-CORBA only)
  • <<facade>> – Package is a view of another package
  • <<framework>> – Package consists mostly of patterns
  • <<metamodel>> – Package is an abstraction of another package
  • <<model>> – Specifies a semantically closed abstraction of a system
  • <<stub>> – Package serves as a proxy for the public contents of another package
  • <<subsystem>> – Grouping of elements, some of which constitute a specification of the behavior offered by the other contained elements
  • <<system>> – Package represents the entire system being modeled
  • <<systemModel>> – Package that contains other packages with the same physical system. It also contains all relationships and constraints between model elements contained in different models
  • <<topLevel>> – Indicates the top-most package in a containment hierarchy
Use parent namespace Defines the package as being the area in which the name of an object must be unique in order to be used
Default diagram Diagram displayed by default when opening the package


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