Chapter 3 Building Structural Diagrams

Operation property sheet Implementation tab

The Implementation tab allows you to modify the code of an operation. This tab contains the following properties accessible through the sub-tabs at the bottom of the dialog box:

Items Description
Body Code of the implementation
Exceptions Signal raised in response to behavioral faults during system execution
Pre-condition A constraint that must be true when an operation is invoked
Post-condition A constraint that must be true at the completion of an operation
Specification Similar to the pseudo code, it is a description of the normal sequence of actions

You can use the following tool from the Exceptions tab in the Implementation tab toolbar:

Tool Description

Add Exception tool. Opens a selection window that allows you to select an exception classifier to be added. The exception classifier is added where the cursor is positioned

Steps To modify the code of an implementation operation:

  1. Double-click an implementation operation in the Operations tab of a class that implements an interface.

    The operation property sheet is displayed.
  2. Click the Implementation tab to display the Implementation tab.
  3. Click a sub-tab at the bottom of the edit window and type or modify code.
  4. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.


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