Chapter 4 Managing a Report

Building a Report Using the Report Creation Wizard

You can build a report using the Report Creation Wizard. The Report Creation Wizard helps you publish a report on your model. It is an easy way to quickly build a report that prevents you from dragging and dropping items within the Report Editor window.

You launch the Report Creation Wizard from the Report menu in the model diagram window. At least one model must be open in the workspace for this command to be available.

The wizard applies to only one section at a time. When you use the wizard to create a report, it only applies to the first and sole section at that time. If you wish to use the wizard for further sections, you have to launch it from each one of the sections you have created afterwards in the Report Editor window. If the section already contains items, a message box warns you that all existing items contained in the section will be removed.

For more information about sections, see the "Organizing a Report into Sections" section.

The Report Creation Wizard guides you through the following pages and operations:

Report Wizard

Welcome Provide a name for your report and a language for the titles of the report items
Presentation Options Select a type of format for your report and preview its corresponding default presentation settings that you can customize afterwards
Report Structure Structure the information in the report
Package Options Organize report items when packages are defined in your model
Report Layout Customize the display order and layout of report items
End Preview the final report before you open it in the Report Editor or directly generate it

Launching the wizard from the Report Editor

When you launch the Report Creation Wizard using the Report Creation Wizard tool in the Report Editor window, the Welcome page is skipped, as you have already named your report and have selected a language for the report titles. Besides, the wizard will only apply to the current section.

Steps To build a report using the Report Creation Wizard:

  1. Select Report→Report Wizard from the model menu bar to launch the wizard.
  2. Define or select the required options, and click Next in each page of the wizard.
  3. Click Finish.

    The different actions of the wizard are detailed in the following sections.

    You can also click the Finish button directly after you provide a name for your report in the Welcome page to quickly create a report with default values.


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