Chapter 6 Managing Objects

Extended link properties

An extended link is a full-featured object that can be created between any type of object in a model.

When you create an extended link, you have to define the following properties.

Property Description
Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users
Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally include spaces
Comment Additional information about the extended object
Source Name of the extended object origin of the extended link
Destination Name of the extended object destination of the extended link
Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of the extended link. You can create stereotypes in the Profile category of the resource file attached to the current model

CanLinkKind event handler

You can use the CanLinkKind event handler to restrict the kind and stereotype of the objects you want to link together. The CanLinkKind event handler has two input parameters: the source and the destination extremity of the link, note that these cannot be shortcuts.

The CanLink event handler is called when you create a link using the corresponding tool in the diagram toolbar or when you try to modify the ends of a link from its property sheet.

For more information on the CanLinkKind event handler, see "Defining an Event Handler in a Profile" in the "Managing Profiles" chapter in the Advanced User Documentation .


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