Chapter 6 Managing Objects

How to use extended objects and links

Extended objects and extended links are available in all PowerDesigner models. However, only the free model displays these objects by default. If you want to use extended objects and/or links in another type of model, you have to add the corresponding metaclasses and their tools in the current model.

By default, extended objects and links do not appear in models other than the free model. You have to add them in the Profile category of the resource file attached to your model. The resource file can be an extended model definition for those models that do not support languages like the CDM.

Once added, you can customize the extended objects and links using stereotypes. You can also define extended collections for these metaclasses in order to better integrate extended objects in the semantics or your model.

For more information on how to customize profiles, see chapter Managing Profiles in the Advanced User documentation .

For more information on extended collections, see section Defining an extended collection in a profile in chapter Managing Profiles in the Advanced User documentation .

Steps To add the extended object and link metaclasses to the current model:

  1. Open a resource file in the resource editor.

    You may have to create and attach an extended model definition if the current model is a CDM.
  2. Right-click the Profile category and select Add Metaclasses in the contextual menu.

    The Metaclass Selection dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the PdCommon tab at the bottom of the dialog box to display the list of objects common to all models.
  4. Select the ExtendedLink and ExtendedObject check boxes and click OK.

    The metaclasses are added to the profile. You can further define them using stereotypes, custom tools and extended collections.
  5. Click Apply in the resource editor.


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