Chapter 5 Managing Models

Opening a PowerDesigner 6 submodel as a diagram in PowerDesigner

By default, PowerDesigner 6 submodels are opened as diagrams in PowerDesigner.

You can afterwards convert diagrams to packages.

For more information on converting diagrams to packages, see the "Converting a diagram to a package" section.

Synchronize CDM/PDM

When you want to keep V6 conceptual and physical models synchronized, you have to migrate both models. This converts V6 submodels into diagrams.

For more information on the CDM and PDM migration, see section Migrating models from version 6 in the PDM User's Guide .

If you want to convert diagrams to packages in the models, you only have to convert the CDM diagrams to package, the generated PDM will be automatically updated and the packages will be created.

Steps To open a PowerDesigner 6 submodel as a diagram in PowerDesigner:

  1. Select File→Open.

    An open file dialog box appears.
  2. Select or browse to the directory that contains the PowerDesigner 6 submodel.
  3. Select a PowerDesigner 6 file.
  4. Click Open.

    The PowerDesigner 6 submodels open as diagrams in PowerDesigner.


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