Chapter 5 Managing Models

Selecting object symbols

The Show Symbols dialog box displays all objects belonging to the current package. Object symbols are organized in different tabs, each corresponding to an object type. Only relevant tabs are displayed. For example, if you convert to package a diagram that only contains tables and references, only the Table tab will be available, as references are contained in table definitions. Shortcut symbols, extended dependencies symbols and free symbols appear in their own tab if any.

You can select or deselect symbols using the following tools in the Show Symbols dialog box:

Tool Description

Selects all check boxes in the current object type page or selects all check boxes in all object type pages when you click the Down Arrowhead and select All Pages

Deselects all check boxes in the current object type page or deselects all check boxes in all object type pages when you click the Down Arrowhead and select All Pages

Moves all selected object to the top of the list

Moves all selected object to the bottom of the list
Ctrl + selection tool Selects all items in all object type pages

Steps To select symbols in the Show Symbols dialog box:

  1. Right-click the diagram background and select Diagram→Show Symbols from the diagram contextual menu.


    Select Symbol→Show Symbols.
  2. Click an object type tab.

    The corresponding page appears.
  3. Use the selection tools to select objects in the list.


    Select individual check boxes for objects.

    Note   Navigating among object type pages
    Press ctrl + page up or ctrl + page down to navigate among the different object type pages.

  4. Click OK.


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