Chapter 5 Managing Models

Saving a model

Each PowerDesigner model is saved in a separate file, with a module related file extension:

When you save a model or a multi-model report, PowerDesigner automatically creates a backup copy of your file with identical identifying number and the following extension:

When you save a model, PowerDesigner automatically assigns to the file a unique identifying number called GUID (Global Unique ID).

The GUID is used:

The following formats are available when you save a model:

Format Description
XML Saving and loading time longer than binary (1.5 times)

File size bigger than binary (2.5 times)

File modification. You can open and modify the contents of an XML file

Recommended for small models
Binary Saving and loading time shorter than XML

File size smaller than XML

Recommended for big models

Save As command

The Save As command allows you to create a backup version of a model that you will be able to recover later. This backup version has an identical GUID number with its original. Therefore the Save As command does not allow you to begin to work with a new model.

If you want to use the same objects in another model, you should copy the objects you want and paste them in a new model.

Save As New Model

The Save As New Model command allows you to create a new model that has a new GUID totally different from its original. Therefore the Save As New Model command allows you to start working with a completely new model. Unlike the Save As model command, the Save As New Model command creates a new model and prevents you from recovering the original model.

Be aware that when you consolidate the new model in the Repository, the Update mode will not be available. External shortcuts located in the new model may also not work properly since the identity of the model has changed.

Steps To save a model:

  1. Select File→Save.


    Click the Save tool in the PowerDesigner toolbar.


    Right-click the model node in the Model Explorer tree view and select Save from the contextual menu.

    If you did not define a file name when you created the new model, the Save As dialog box asks you to indicate a name and a path for the file of the new model.

    Note   Model default name (*)
    When you create a new model, the following symbol (*) appears beside the model default name in the Model Explorer and in the title bar, for example BusinessProcessModel_1 (*). This symbol designates the state of a model to be saved. The first time you save your model, the symbol is no longer displayed.


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