Chapter 5 Managing Models

Creating a new model

You can create a new model from the New dialog box. This dialog lets you choose between two creation modes:

New Model

You create a new model by default. In this mode, all options (like display preferences or model options) are initialized from the PowerDesigner environment (either from the registry or from hard coded default values).

New model from template

You can create a new model using a model template. In this mode, the model options and preferences are initialized with a model template. A model template is a set of model options, display preferences, extension, or objects saved in a model located in the template folder. You use model templates when you need to reuse preferences and options in several models.

To create a model template you should create a new model, define the options, preferences, and environment of the template, and save this model into the template folder. You can create your own templates and save them in a folder. You define this folder for user-defined templates using the Change User-Defined Model Templates Folder tool. The list of templates displays the content of both system (if any) and user-defined template folders.

If you wish to turn an existing model into a template, you can use an accelerator for creating templates: click the Copy Model to User-Defined Model Templates Folder tool, browse for a model, select it and click Open. The model is copied to the folder of user-defined templates and becomes a template available in the list.

To modify a model template you have to modify the model saved as template, to do so: open the model saved in the template folder, modify options and preferences, and save it again in the template folder.


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