Chapter 3 Building Physical Diagrams

Reference properties

You can double-click any reference symbol in a diagram to display its properties:

Property Description
Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users
Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally include spaces
Comment Descriptive label for the reference
Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-defined
Parent table Parent table of the reference. This table contains the primary key, or alternate key, linked by the reference
Parent role Role of the parent table in the reference. The text appears in the diagram, near the parent table
Child table Child table of the reference. This table contains the foreign key linked by the reference
Child role Role of the child table in the reference. The text appears in the diagram, near the child table
Generate When selected, indicates to generate the reference in the database

A reference also includes the following properties:

Property Description
Joins Links between parent table columns and child table columns
Integrity Integrity constraints defined for reference


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