Chapter 10 Generating a Database from a PDM

View options

These options control the generation of views.

Parameter Result of selection
Create view Generates views
Force column list Generates a view with a list of columns, even if this list is identical to the corresponding columns in the SQL order. Allows you to generate the list of view columns with the view creation order. By default, the list of view columns is generated only if it is different from the list of columns of the view query. For example, in the following view query:

select a, b from Table1

columns a and b are view columns by default. The default generation statement is:

create view V1 as select a, b from Table1

If you select the Force column list option, the generation statement will become:

create view V1(a,b) as select a, b from Table1
Physical options Generates physical options for view
Begin script Inserts customized script before view creation
End script Inserts customized script after view creation
Drop view Deletes an existing view before creating a new view
Comment Generates view comments
Permission Generates the permission statement for the user during view creation


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