Chapter 3 Building Physical Diagrams

Creating a default in a PDM

You create a default from the list of defaults.

When you create defaults, make sure you do not create several defaults with the same value. This will raise a warning message during check model.

Steps To create a default in a PDM:

  1. Select Model→Defaults to display the list of defaults.
  2. Click a blank line in the list.


    Click the Add a Row Tool.

    An arrow appears at the beginning of the line.
  3. Type a default name and a default code.
  4. Click Apply to commit the creation of the new default.
  5. Click the new default line to display an arrow at the beginning of the line.
  6. Click the Properties tool.

    The property sheet of the new default appears.
  7. Type a value in the Value box.

    You can view the default creation statement in the Preview page.
  8. Click OK.


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