Chapter 3 Building Physical Diagrams

Modifying the table display preferences

You can modify the following display preferences for a table using the Tools→Display Preferences command:

Table display

Text display preference
When selected, what it displays
Columns All columns, primary key columns, or a defined number (limit) of columns depending on the selections listed below*
*All columns All table columns
*PK columns Primary key columns only
*Key columns All key columns
*Limit (x) Number of columns depending on defined value of x
Indexes All indexes defined for table columns
Keys All keys defined on table
Triggers All triggers defined for table
Owner Name of table owner
Stereotype Stereotype of the table. You can also display the stereotype of columns, keys, indexes, and triggers
Comment Comment of the table. When selected, all other check boxes are deselected, except for Stereotype

Table Columns display

You can display information about columns in each table.

Keys and indexes are represented by indicators in the table symbol. Each key and index indicator is assigned a number. You can use these numbers to keep track of the different groups of alternate keys, foreign keys, and indexes in your model.

You can display the following column information in a table symbol:

Text display preference
When selected, it displays

Data types Data type for each column
Replace by domains Domain codes for each column attached to a domain
Domains Domain of an attribute in the table. This display option interacts with the selection for Data types. As a result, there are four display options See Display domain and data type for options and examples
Key Indicators <pk>, <fk>, and <ak> indicators next to primary key, foreign key, and alternate key columns respectively. When the Keys preference is also selected, the key names are listed at the bottom of the table symbol
Index indicators <i(number )> indicator next to indexed columns. When the Indexes preference is also selected, the index names and corresponding numbers are listed at the bottom of the table symbol
NULL/NOT NULL Column indicator: null, not null, identity, or with default (DBMS-dependent)

Note   Displaying foreign key indicator numbers
You can display foreign key numbers next to their corresponding foreign key names on the references links between the appropriate parent and child tables.

For information on displaying text with a reference symbol, see section Modifying the reference display preferences.

Display domain and data type

You can display the domain of an attribute in the symbol of a table. There are four display options available:

Selected check box

Data types Displays only the data type, if it exists
Domains Displays only the domain, if it exists
Data types

Displays both data type and domain, if they exist
Data types

Replace by domains
If domain exists and data type does not exist, then displays domain.

If domain does not exist and data type exists, then displays data type.

Note   Default options
Click the Default button to display default table display preferences. Click the Set As Default button to set current display preferences as default selections.

Table notation

You can select a notation for tables from the Notation dropdown listbox in the Model Options dialog box. The available modes are: relational, CODASYL, conceptual and IDEF1X.

For more information on notations, see the section "Setting PDM Model Options".


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