Chapter 2 Physical Data Model Basics

Using a database in a physical option

The databases can be used as a physical option for the tables, columns, views, keys, and indexes of your model.

When you use the in [<tablespace>] physical option, you can manually associate a predefined tablespace with a database using the following syntax:


For example, tablespace CUST_DATA belongs to database myBase. In the following example, table Customer will be created in tablespace CUST_DATA:

You should not define a database together with a tablespace physical option on the same object, this will raise an error during check model.

The database Dependencies page displays the list of objects that use the current database in their physical options.

Steps To use a database in a physical option:

  1. Open the property sheet of an object with physical options.
  2. Click the Options tab to display the Options page.
  3. Select the in database (...) option and click the >> button.

    The database option appears as an item in the Items page.
  4. Select a database from the dropdown listbox below the right pane.
  5. Click OK.


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