Chapter 3 Building Physical Diagrams

Creating a view reference

You can create a view reference between two views or between a table and a view. A view reference cannot link two tables.

Steps To create a view reference:

  1. Click the Reference tool in the tool palette.

    Note   Same tool for Reference and View Reference
    You use the same tool to create references or view references. Depending on the origin and destination of the link, a reference or a view reference is created.

  2. Click inside the child table or view and while holding down the mouse button, drag the cursor into the parent table or view. Release the mouse button.

    The link appears between the objects.

    Note   Dragging a view reference to a different table or view
    You can change the table or view at either end of a view reference by clicking the view reference and holding down ctrl as you drag one of its attach points to a different table or view.

  3. Click the Pointer tool.


    Click the right mouse button.

    You release the Reference tool.
  4. Double-click the new link in the diagram to display the view reference property sheet.
  5. Type a view reference name and a view reference code.

    You can open the property sheet of the child and parent by clicking the Child and Parent buttons located in the upper part of the view reference property sheet.
  6. Click OK.


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