Chapter 3 Building Physical Diagrams

Rebuilding references

Rebuilding references in a Physical diagram creates default references between PK columns in a table and columns with identical code and data type in another table. Note that rebuild is not possible between two tables with PK columns.

Rebuilding references is useful following the reverse engineering of a database in which all of the references could not be reverse engineered.

You can choose to rebuild references in one of two ways:

Rebuild option Description
Delete and rebuild All existing references are deleted, and new references built based on matching key columns
Preserve All existing references are kept, and new references built based on new matching key columns

You can choose to rebuild all references in your model, or select the tables that are linked by the references that you want to rebuild.

Steps To rebuild references:

  1. Select Tools→Rebuild Objects→Rebuild References.

    The Rebuild References dialog box appears.
  2. Select the Delete and Rebuild radio button.


    Select the Preserve radio button.
  3. Click the Selection tab.

    A selection page appears. It lists all the tables in the current model.

    Note   Rebuilding references in a package
    To rebuild references between tables in a package, select the package from the dropdown listbox at the top of the page.To rebuild references between tables in a sub-package, select the Include Sub-Packages icon next to the dropdown listbox, and then select a sub-package from the dropdown list.

  4. Select or clear check boxes according to your needs.

    Note   Selecting or clearing all check boxes
    You can select all check boxes, or clear all check boxes, by selecting the Select All tool, or Clear All tool, from the toolbar at the top of the page.

  5. Click OK.

    If you selected the Delete and Rebuild mode, a confirmation box asks you to confirm your choice. If you selected the Preserve mode, you do not receive a confirmation box.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the deletion and rebuild of the selected references.


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